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Christmas Concert: Thursday 5 December 2019



Harmony Adult All Ability Orchestra will perform their Christmas concert
at St Stephen's Church, Exeter High Street on Thursday 5 December, 6.30-8.30pm.  Pieces will include Christmas-inspired music as well as traditional carols.  Mince pies and refreshments will be served during the performance.


Please download a flyer (pdf)  


Past performances

Coffee Morning: Saturday 15 June 2019



Harmony Adult All Ability Orchestra will perform a mixture of
classical and contemporary pieces at St Stephen's Church, Exeter city centre 
between 10.00-am12.00pm.  Everyone is welcome to join the orchestra for coffee
in an informal musical setting.


Please download a flyer (pdf)


Cafe au Lait

©2018 by Tek Consulting for Harmony Orchestra

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